Two SubCom cable ships to serve in U.S. Cable Security Fleet
Two cable ships operated under contract with American Maritime Officers by SubCom have been cleared to serve in the recently established U.S. Cable Security Fleet, which consists of two qualified cable ships that will install, repair and maintain Defense Department communications cable systems.
The C.S. Dependable will be reflagged into U.S. registry in November and the C.S. Decisive will be reflagged American in January. AMO will continue to represent all licensed officers aboard both ships as they enter service in the Cable Security Fleet.
The Cable Security Fleet is modeled after the Maritime Security Program, and like the MSP, each ship serving in the U.S. Cable Security Fleet will receive an annual stipend. Funding for the program must be appropriated annually by Congress. Full funding for the first year of the Cable Security Fleet was signed into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021.