Posted: December 17, 2020

American Maritime Partnership honors 'the American mariner'

The American Maritime Partnership (AMP), a coalition of which American Maritime Officers Service is a member and which American Maritime Officers supports, announced the culmination of its year-long celebration of American Maritime Heroes by honoring the American mariner.

AMP recognizes the service of those who have sailed and served in support of our nation over the past century during World War II, Korea, Vietnam, two Gulf wars, and other major conflicts, including U.S. merchant mariners and service members of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard.

U.S. merchant mariners carry forward the tradition of the generations of mariners who faced unimaginable and often thankless circumstances to help position our military forces for success.

Throughout 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, American mariners have consistently delivered, transporting food, supplies, cargo and commodities that are essential to American consumers and businesses.

We must continue to support this critical civilian force, in both times of peace and conflict, and never forget those who laid down their lives for our freedom, AMP stated.

"There is no more appropriate way to highlight this Centennial celebration than to recognize and honor the American mariner, and the sacrifice and contribution of mariners to this great maritime nation," said AMP President Mike Roberts. "American mariners - both today and throughout our history, truly have been American Maritime Heroes."

The American Maritime Heroes campaign has recognized individuals and groups of individuals who have added to the rich history of the United States as a maritime nation through their courage, outstanding achievements, and noble qualities, AMP noted. This campaign celebrates the passage of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 (also known as the "Jones Act"). The Jones Act is a fundamental law that for nearly a century, along with other related coastwise laws, has ensured that all vessels transporting goods between U.S. ports are American-built, -flagged, -owned, and -crewed. Moreover, the law ensures a qualified pool of mariners to crew American vessels, enables readiness of the nation's defense shipbuilding industrial base and sealift capabilities, and sustains our strategic seaports for times of war or national emergencies.

The American Maritime Heroes campaign served as a reminder of the undeniable importance of America as a maritime nation and the role of the maritime industry to prosperity and security, AMP stated.