Posted: July 23, 2013

Maritime Trades Department sets the record straight

The following letter dated July 22 was sent by Maritime Trades Department President Michael Sacco to the presidents of the International Longshoremen's Association, the Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association and the International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots.

American Maritime Officers is an affiliate of the Seafarers International Union of North America, Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO.

This letter is being sent in response to your July 10, 2013 letter to the Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO, in which each of you indicated that your organizations had formed an independent Maritime Labor Alliance and were disaffiliating from the MTD. The sole reason provided in your correspondence was that the MTD was permitting "the dilution of the objectives and principles that are set forth in the MTD Constitution". While it is impossible to address a vague and overly broad statement such as that one, the press release simultaneously issued by the International Longshoremen's Association contains many inaccurate and misleading statements relating to alleged raids and jurisdictional disputes between MTD affiliates.

First and foremost, there is nothing in the July 10th letter or press release about any actions by any of the other MTD affiliated unions that resulted in Article XX charges or findings. In fact it is interesting to note that the only MTD affiliate that is currently under AFL-CIO sanctions for failing to remedy a violation of Article XX, is MEBA, one of the very unions that is now disaffiliating from the MTD.

While your letter alleges that the MTD, under my leadership, has somehow acted in a manner that is contrary to its constitution and by-laws, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Article IX of the MTD constitution specifically provides that the "MTD, AFL-CIO shall not undertake to settle jurisdictional disputes between member organizations, but shall be at the service of the organizations involved in such disputes in an effort to bring them together for satisfactory adjustment when so requested". To date, none of you have asked the MTD for any assistance in resolving any of the "jurisdictional disputes" alluded to in the ILA's press release. Accordingly, if the MTD had attempted to intervene, that action, and that action alone, would have violated the MTD constitution.

Maritime labor, like all other labor organizations, need to focus their efforts on organizing non-union workers and representing their existing membership to the best of their ability. Attempting to disparage other maritime unions with false accusations rather than working for the betterment of maritime workers is disingenuous and a misdirection of your efforts; however, you are all free to do as you see fit.

While the MTD regrets your decisions to disaffiliate, it is our hope that all of maritime labor will continue to work together towards the common goal of strengthening the industry that employs all of our members and provides them with wages and benefits that enable them and their families to enjoy the standard of living to which they have become accustomed. The MTD will continue to effectively promote and protect our industry and the jobs that it provides.